Dania's Blog

Tag Game started by Joc: Christmas Jumpers - 12-2019

How to wear your faved Tank dress in Winter - 12-2017
Accessorized by cozy knits - Sweater by DorA and Shawl by bnkiti - I can wear my faved Tank dress by ateliernishasha even now.
I added a necklace by Dollfason, a FR belt and boots from ebay. The stove is made by the Lady and I have to see if I can heat it up.

Lani Joan started a fab game on flickr. Each week of the year a certain doll is the model of the week. - 01-2016
Second week of January was mine. For the shooting I'm wearing Signature jeans by HSD, the bodice from Ralph Lauren Barbie, a loop by pinkscroll and coat and belt from Fine Print Elise.

A beautiful lace dress by V.Jhon. - 10-2014

The new girls of 2013 posing for the New Year's Card. - 12-2013

Christmasy shooting wearing my gifts. A new shawl by Frau E and a purse Cathleen sent. - 12-2013

My first redressing in a blouse made by Cathleen. - 12-2013

Two of my first photos are made by daylight, the other two with flash. - 09-2013

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